Threads of Life
Weekend Writing Warriors 30 March 2013
Again I am writing of my great grandparents, August Schumann and Auguste Freimann Schumann. This time it is written in the voice of Auguste.
"It has been one year since my children died. At first, I did not want another, but when Emma gave her to August and he placed her at my breast, I knew the joy of a new birth. We named her Emma, for the sister of August who was there at the time of birth. We are so thankful for the parents of August, for Ludwig being the leader of this colony. It was he who did the prayers when we buried the children and comforted us in the days that followed. Life is so hard here, but being surrounded by family helps us all to endure. August has been my rock; he is so strong. Sometimes he, I, and Emma go to visit the graves of our other children."
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