Saturday, March 9, 2013

Threads of Life
Weekend Writing Warriors - 8 Sentences - Week 6

I am writing about my ancestral family, thus far of August Schumann and Auguste Freimann and their family. They have just lost 3 young children to Diphtheria in the midst of summer crops. There has been little time to reflect, although that sense of loss is always present. They have begun gathering fuel for winter.  Today, August is looking around the house to prepare for winter. As she does, the baby is now moving within her womb.

"There is still that small box of children’s clothes sitting in the corner, the clothing of  Auguste Pauline age 4 ½,  Karl age 3 ¼, and Friedrich age 1 ½ at the time of their death.  Friedrich was still in the smocks for summer outdoors, so he could urinate freely. Auguste had just sewn the first pair of pants for Karl, now that he had some control. Pauline’s little smocks, reminded her that Pauline had been mother’s little helper with the boys. They had been able to be outdoors with the help of Pauline, as Auguste ran in and out with the daily tasks of motherhood. Pauline would keep them away from the hot clay outdoor oven and stove.  Auguste had loved hearing their giggles and chatter as she worked.  Could she give these clothes, which she had sewn for them, to other children?"

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  1. So touching, Carol. :-) "Friedrich was still in the smocks for summer outdoors, so he could urinate freely. Auguste had just sewn the first pair of pants for Karl, now that he had some control. Pauline’s little smocks, reminded her that Pauline had been mother’s little helper with the boys."

    I just can't imagine the pain...

  2. People forget how hard-won life was, even within living memory. I can feel her pain. It's always the little reminders that catch us unawares.

    1. "how hard-won life was".....indeed. That courage to go on and on is so inspiring.

  3. This is such a heartfelt story and you are doing a great job capturing the era. I keep coming back every week.

    1. Thank you so much. I was afraid that I was getting boring. I will try to move on next week.

  4. How devastating this must be---and how difficult to let go.

  5. What a hard life they had and so heartbreaking! Gripping story.

  6. I can really understand her struggle to let go. There was a nice juxtaposition in her thoughts–mentioning the children almost clinically by name and age, before emotionally recounting what each of them was like just before they died. Very touching.

    1. Never thought about that. Thanks for your perception.
