Saturday, June 29, 2013

Threads of Life

30 June 2013 Wewriwa submission, 8 sentences for review

I am writing much of this from memory so I may need to tweak it after I find my notes in a box from moving. I am going to write about the children's uncle, who will receive them in Canada.

"Friedrich Freimann was the first of the family, that I know of, to immigrate to Canada. He was sponsored by the Selkirk Settlement Group (5th Earl of Selkirk), who had been granted blocks of land by the Hudson Bay Company. Thus, Friedrich came to Canada in 1895 and his brother, Carl closer to 1890. Friedrich brought his oxen along with him as well as some farm implements. The first winter, he lived with another settler from the same area in Volhynia as he had come from. When spring came, he built a log cabin for his family.  Friedrich was very clever in putting together the tools that he needed for farming. I would guess that he was the source of payment for his mother, and his sister's children to come to Canada."

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  1. Replies
    1. You are a dear Gemma, so generous in your comment.

  2. You really bring us into the time and all the challenges they faced!

    1. That is what I want to do but I often feel that I fall short. Thank you for your encouragement.

  3. Nice! I love stories that show people in triumph!

    1. The fact that any of us exist points to some successes.

  4. I'm sure there will be plenty of challenges for Friedrich.

    1. He seems to have been up to it, a true pioneer. I also love a loyal family person. It couldn't have been easy taking on 4 more children even if he will share it with his brother...and his mother. More about her in the future.

  5. What a challenge to recall this scene by memory - it can be so frustrating to find everything after a move!

    You painted a picture of an historical scene - inspiring!

  6. I love the details, Carol. This book is going to be such a beautiful collection of memories and details. A wonderful tribute to your heritage. Your children and grandchildren will treasure it!

  7. Ah, Teresa, I can't begin to tell you what your encouragement means to me. It is hard for me to believe yet that I am doing this. It is amazing how much more alive this family has become as I write about it. There is more information within the dry facts than I realized.

    1. So neat! I am so proud of you, Carol, just so very proud! :-)

  8. It's nice to dive into family background. Nice snippet.
