Saturday, July 27, 2013

For my friends

I will be back. Right now I am deep into research which enables me to do these blogs.


  1. I have spent two years in Poland, searching unsuccessfully for my grandmother's birthplace. I have now found where and when she was confirmed in Canada. But that church is closed now and I am searching for it's records. My thought is that a confirmation would list that a baptism took place and where. I have found her grandparents, her siblings but not her. However her father died in Jagolitz and I have not located his death yet. One more year of a week in Poland in September.

  2. Minna was German, her husband Fred Paulson was half Norwegian and half Swedish. They were 19 years apart in age. She was 19 years old. Fred had discovered his father, having hung himself, in Sweden. Both had some difficult family times. With two different languages, they raised their family in the English language.
